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My Classroom Tables

What a wonderful, lazy Sunday.  I have to say that I really needed this.  No - I'm not working yet, but to have a relaxing day at home was just what the doctor ordered.  It was nice to sleep in and lounge around the couch all day.  Then, I realized that I really wanted to get this post out.  This was a post that I took pictures for way back when, but it never materialized.  Well, today is the day.

I have 5 tables in my classroom where each students has an assigned spot.  We do not sit in these spots all day.  They are also used as tables for my centers, and the students can use any table during free choice time.  At the end of each table is a desk that holds essentials for that table.

The first picture I am sharing with you is what is on the tables for the first and second trimesters.  I have two small black containers that I bought at Target last year.  One hold two sets of multicultural crayons and the other holds pink erasers and glue sticks.  There is also a colored caddy that holds all of the pencils, scissors, and bottled glue for the table.  I purchased these at Lakeshore.  Each table has a different colored caddy to represent the table name.  The last item that sits on the table is the crayon caddy from Lakeshore.  These hold the large crayons that we use during the first and second trimesters.  {This picture was taken at the end of the second trimester so the crayons are looking a little sad.  haha}

The next picture shows what the table looks like during the third trimester.  The only difference is that I traded out the crayon caddy from Lakeshore with a basket from Wal-Mart.  The basket hold a baggie of smaller crayons for each student. 

The third picture I am sharing with you is what the desk at the end of the table holds.  On the left side is our poetry journals.  We add a new poem or nursery rhyme each week.  On the bottom right side is our writing journals.  I plan on changing these up a little this coming year.  On top of the writing journals are the students' take home folders.  Our school purchases these folders for each student.  I absolutely love these folders!

The top of the desk holds two buckets.  The first bucket holds baggies with whiteboards, markers, and erasers.  It also holds our containers of yellow and red counters.  The small bucket inside is where the students keep their name tags that they wear to specials or when there is a substitute.  I bought these buckets at Target two years ago.  However, I am going to have to change these up a bit this coming year.  Many have accidentally fallen on the floor and broken.  I hope that my plan for this year works just as well.

The second bucket holds decodable books that students can get if they finish their work.

I hope that you have enjoyed looking at how I have my classroom tables set up!

Don't forget to enter my giveaway for a $25 gift certificate for Teachers Pay Teachers and 2 items from my store!


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